It’s a tornado, it’s a hurricane, no….it’s just The Gale Force Winds of Change in the world of publishing!
All published authors of LARA are invited to the Published Author Chat at 9 am every other Sunday before the LARA meeting at our regular meeting place (Bridges Academy).
What does published mean? Any author who has indie pubbed or traditionally pubbed a short story, novella, or novel.
Is coffee provided? “Bring Your Own Coffee!” Starbucks and Coffee Bean & Tea Leaf are both about a block from Bridges Academy.
What is the chat about? Publishing! Anything that has to do with what happens once publishing happens.
Why are we having a published author chat? This is a less-formal event that allows pubbed authors to discuss what is and what isn’t working for them in publishing. The agenda is loose and flexible.
How often is the published author chat? Every other month! See our meeting schedule for specific dates.
If you’re a LARA member and have thoughts, suggestions, or questions about the Published Author Chat, our beloved president Maggie Marr would love to hear from you! Please use the handy LARA member comment form!