Joining LARA
What kind of writing goes on at LARA?
As part of Romance Writers of America, LARA is focused on writing romantic fiction stories, novellas, and novels in a variety of subgenres.
We’ve even been known to write literary fiction stories, novellas, and novels with romantic elements. And some of our authors also write or have written screenplays, plays, and non-fiction.
We support all sorts of writing, but our chapter’s primary focus is on promoting excellence in romantic fiction.
Check out our Members page to see what genres our authors write!
Can anyone join LARA?
We are a chapter of Romance Writers of America, so in order to join our chapter, you must first belong to RWA.
You should also be actively pursuing a career in writing, since that’s our raison d’etre.
Otherwise, there are no special requirements. We look forward to having you as a member!
How can I join LARA?
We’ve loaded this page with a lot of useful information about the benefits of joining our chapter. There are links on the page that will take you directly to the registration form on the RWA site.
Published Author Chat
Why are we having a published author chat?
This is a less formal event that allows published authors to discuss what is and what isn’t working for them in publishing.
The agenda is loose and flexible.
What does “published” mean? Am I eligible to attend?
Any author who has indie pubbed or traditionally pubbed a short story, novella, or novel is welcome to attend!
What is the chat about?
Publishing! Anything that has to do with what happens once publishing happens.
Is coffee provided?
“Bring Your Own Coffee!”
Starbucks and Coffee Bean & Tea Leaf are both about a block from Bridges Academy.
What is the Published Author Chat? When and where does it take place?
All published authors of LARA are invited to the Published Author Chat at 9 am every other Sunday before the LARA meeting at our regular meeting place (Bridges Academy).
Please check the meeting schedule for the date of our next Published Author Chat.
What if I have a question not covered here?
If you have any questions, please contact a board member.
Can I visit a meeting and check out LARA before joining?
Yes! Visitors are welcome. You may visit our meetings twice before joining.
Your first meeting is free!
What happens at meetings? Will I have to read my writing in front of everyone?
LARA meetings consist of a meet and greet followed by a short business meeting (mostly news and chapter-related announcements) and about an hour with a guest speaker. We also share member news and recognize the milestone achievements of our members from the previous month.
Meetings are a place of interaction and learning with fellow authors. You’ll never be forced to read your work in front of an audience.
When and how often do you meet?
Typically LARA meets on the third Sunday of the month, however some meeting dates may vary to avoid holidays.
Check our calendar of upcoming meetings for exact dates, times, and programs.
Where are LARA meetings held?
LARA has no permanent offices, but our meetings are held at the Bridges Academy in Studio City, California. Take a look at where we meet for directions.