Once-Upon-a-Montana-Christmas-cover-213x300In October, we’ll hear from Alanna Lucas and Rick Bitzelberger on Writing Holiday Romances That Sell!

Holiday romance novels and novellas are a perennial favorite among readers. Publishers often release holiday anthologies, which can be a great opportunity for writers to get known or increase their fan base.

Come and learn about how to break into this exciting market from our next guest speakers! Join us at 10am on Sunday, October 19th at Bridges Academy in Studio City.

author-alanna-lucasAlanna grew up in Southern California. From an early age, she took an interest in travel. Over the years, she’s incorporated those experiences into her writing. Alanna is a member of the Romance Writers of America, East Valley Authors, The Beau Monde and Celtic Hearts Romance Writers.

rick_bitzenbergerRick Bitzelberger is a film and television writer and producer, known for Embrace of the Vampire (1995), Crazy for Christmas (2005) and Eddie’s Million Dollar Cook-Off (2003). Rick has been working with Informant Media since their inception. He likes to think of himself as the most dangerous development executive there is: Not only does he cover scripts, he writes them, too.