LA Festival of Books 2015

LARA and OCCRWA joined forces to bring romance to the Los Angeles Times Festival of Books. Our booth was near the LA Times stage, an excellent location for introducing our chapters and some of our wonderful authors!

Here’s the schedule of who signed their books at the booth:

Saturday, April 18th

Kitty Bucholtz and Mia Hopkins
Del-Cropped-10-13Maggie Marr12:00pm
Dolores Else and Maggie Marr
Website-SelfieJanie Emaus2:00pm
Tracy Reed and Janie Emaus
debra_feature_portraitCopyright JennKL Photography4:00pm
Debra Holland and Gwendolyn Womack

Sunday, April 19th

jewelVeronica Blade10:00am
Jewel Quinlan and Veronica Blade
vickiLisa Gail Green12:00pm
Vicki Crum and Lisa Gail Green
Tam-Profile-Pic-2Dee J Adams2:00pm
Tameri Etherton and Dee J. Adams

We hope to see you at the Los Angeles Times Festival of Books next year!